Do you realize most people think they do not have problems with their digestion? Most patients suffer from a variety of digestive disorders. People that do not process their food properly suffer from a variety of symptoms. These symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, gas, bloating, regurgitation (acid reflux), belching, stinky breath and a coated tongue.
Emotional stress can easily influence our digestive tracts. When we are assimilating good nutrition, enjoying emotional well being, then our digestive tracts are much less toxic.
Diagnosis and treatment using a variety of techniques can vastly improve the digestive process. New and exciting acupuncture techniques that help to balance many kinds of digestive disorders including bloating, gas, heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation are being taught to acupuncturists everywhere.
Careful consultation and examination can lead the practitioner to decide the best treatment protocol. You may need some nutritional support to help in the digestive process.